Download the pdf version of the bylaws.
Article I – Name
The name of the organization shall be Staff Engagement Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee.
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of the Committee is to act as an advisory body to the executive leadership of the Division of Finance and Business Services; to provide a forum in which staff can raise, discuss, and make recommendations on current non-academic policies and procedures; and to facilitate effective communication on behalf of and among staff members.
The Committee will not act in an advocacy role in any specific employee/employer policy matter or dispute within the University, nor will it assume the role of arbitrator in any such manner.
Article III – Representation
The Committee shall consist of elected members representing the Division of Finance and Business Services. The Committee will consist of representatives from each of the following areas:
Elected Members (Voting Members)
Group # |
Department(s) |
# of Reps. |
1 |
Vice President and CFO, Academic Services and Deputy CFO, Associate VP and Controller, Budget and Planning, Brand and Business Development |
2 |
2 |
Academic Accounting and Business Services, Academic and Performance Analytics, Research Enterprise Business Services, University Libraries Finance |
2 |
3 |
Aggie One Stop |
1 |
4 |
College of Arts and Sciences Finance |
2 |
5 |
Contract Administration, Logistics Services and Procurement Services |
2 |
6 |
Financial Management Services and Student Business Services |
2 |
7 |
Financial Management Operations |
2 |
8 |
University Accounting Services |
1 |
9 |
School of Architecture Finance, Bush School of Government and Public Services Finance, School of Education and Human Development Finance, School of Engineering Medicine Finance, School of Law Finance, Mays Business School Finance, School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts Finance |
2 |
10 |
Operations Finance |
1 |
11 |
Office of the Registrar |
1 |
12 |
Student Affairs Finance |
1 |
13 |
Scholarships and Financial Aid |
2 |
14 |
Vet Hospital Finance and School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Finance |
2 |
15 |
Texas A&M University at Qatar Finance |
1 |
Ex- Officio Members
Group # |
Department(s) |
# Of Reps. |
1 |
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
1 |
2 |
College of Engineering |
1 |
3 |
Health Science Center |
1 |
4 |
Athletics |
1 |
5 |
Texas A&M Universty at Galveston |
1 |
Article IV – Eligibility
Full-time, budgeted at least 50% employees in the Division of Finance and Business Services who have a minimum of two years of service with the University and who are not currently on disciplinary action are eligible for election to the Committee. Should a committee member be placed on disciplinary action, it is the responsibility of that individual to report issues to the SEC Coordinator. The Vice President & CFO will have the discretion to determine how to address the situation.
All employees in the Division of Finance and Business Services are eligible to serve on the committee with the exception of the following job titles: Assistant Director, Associate Director, Director, Executive Director, Assistant Dean or those that serve in the compacity thereof. No person shall be excluded based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
If a current committee member is promoted to a position of ineligibility as defined above, the member shall relinquish his or her seat and the remainder of the term will be filled according to Article V – Elections.
If a current committee member is promoted to a position of ineligibility as defined above and the status is temporary, the member may remain on the committee until there is a permanent status change or until he or she returns to the previous position. If the promotion becomes permanent, the member shall relinquish his or her seat and the remainder of the term will be filled according to Article V – Elections.
Article V – Elections
Each May there will be an election for open positions on the committee. The election will be held within each represented department via an anonymous vote. Those elected will begin serving their term on September 1st of the following fiscal year.
Employees may nominate an eligible candidate (including themselves) during the nomination process. The nomination will include a brief statement of experience, interest, etc. Candidate statements will be made available to all employees in the respective department/group through an electronic election process. The candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to serve in the position(s). In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by coin toss.
If a vacancy should occur on the Committee, the position shall be filled by the person receiving the next highest number of votes from the same department/group. If there was no other nominee from the last election, or if twelve months have passed since the last election, a special election will be held to select a new representative to complete the term.
Article VI – Term
Each term is a three-year period. A member of the Committee may serve two consecutive terms for a total of six years. A member of the Committee may serve in an ex-officio capacity if actively involved with a project they may need to complete, at the discretion of the Chair.
For those groups with multiple representatives, terms will be staggered.
Article VII – Officers
Officers will consist of a Chair and a Chair-Elect. The Chair-Elect will be elected on an annual basis during the first meeting following the general election.
Committee members may volunteer or be nominated to serve as the Chair-Elect. If there is more than one candidate for the position the Committee will vote by ballot. If there is only one candidate for a Chair-Elect the Committee may vote upon a motion to accept the candidate.
The person elected to serve as Chair-Elect will serve as the Chair the following year.
Article VIII – Officer Responsibility
The Chair is responsible for the smooth, effective operation of the Committee. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect will preside over the meeting.
Article IX – Meetings
The Committee shall meet monthly. Special meetings may be called by the Vice President & CFO, Chair and SEC Coordinator as deemed necessary.
Minutes of the meeting will be recorded by the SEC Coordinator. The recorder will take notes and prepare a draft of the minutes for review and distribution to members. Minutes will be voted on for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Article X – Communications
Each committee member will be responsible for distributing information to the employees within the group(s) whom they represent. The approved minutes from the Committee meeting will be posted in a timely manner on the web page.
Article X – Sub Committees
Each member from the SEC Committee will volunteer to serve on a subcommittee. Sub Committee members will name a chair that will schedule the subcommittee meetings at least once a month and will moderate the specific tasks of the subcommittee. During the monthly SEC meetings, each subcommittee chair will provide an update on what they have been working on. SEC committee members will serve the entirety of their term on a sub-committee.
Article XI – Communications
Each committee member will be responsible for distributing information to the employees within the group(s) whom they represent. The approved minutes from the Committee meeting will be posted in a timely manner on the web page.
Article XII – Amendments
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be introduced at any meeting. Proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members before final changes to the Bylaws can be made.
Two-thirds majority means two-thirds of the membership in attendance at any regular meeting of the Committee.
Article XIII – Attendance
Each member should have no more than three (3) unexcused absences during each year of the three-year term. An unexcused absence is defined as A member who exceeds this limit will be considered for dismissal from the Committee and the remainder of their term will be filled according to Article V - Elections. Members unable to attend a regularly scheduled Committee meeting must notify the SEC Coordinator that they will not be in attendance and the reason for their inability to attend.
If a member cannot attend, they should send an alternate from their department to represent them at the regular meeting. This alternate will act on behalf of the committee member and would be entitled to vote on issues brought forward during the meeting. A member may not send an alternate to more than one consecutive monthly meeting without approval from the Chair.
*An unexcused absence is a failure to notify the Chair and/ or SEC Coordinator of absence prior to a scheduled meeting. An absence will be excused if the Chair and/ or SEC Coordinator was notified of your absence prior to a scheduled meeting and a representative was sent in your place.
*Note that attendance is taken for members only; Ex Officio members are exempt from the above.