Strategic Budget Council

The Strategic Budget Council serves to align the university's budgetary needs across the institution. The council is comprised of representatives from key constituencies across Texas A&M, including Faculty Senate, University Staff Council and the Student Government Association. 


  • University President (Chair)
  • Executive Vice President & Provost
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Vice President for Planning, Assessment & Strategy
  • Vice President for Research
  • Council of Dean’s Representative
  • Speaker of the Faculty Senate
  • University Staff Council Chairperson
  • Student Government Representative

Ex-Officio Members

  • Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  • Associate Vice President for Budgets & Planning
  • Chief of Staff for the President
  • Provost Chief of Staff
  • Health Science Center Chief Operating Officer


Each dean and vice president will meet with the council to discuss their successes and highlights; short and long-term goals and initiatives; major challenges; central administration assistance needs; new base (recurring) requests; new one-time requests; planned use of reserves; and facilities and infrastructure needs.

The Strategic Budget Council will review and discuss each request using an established set of criteria to determine how funds will be allocated.